SuiteCRM Nice Relationships

Module builder and studio are both great tools. They allow simple customisation of a SuiteCRM instance without having to know all the inner workings of SuiteCRM. In particular studio and module builder allows specifying relationships between modules.

However these relationships can leave a lot to be desired. The generated relationship ...

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Switching to pelican

For some time I’ve ran this blog on Wordpress and I’ve had no complaints. Wordpress is a mature and very powerful platform.

However in my case that turns out to be it’s undoing. I blog at most once a week (it’s been much less than that ...

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Contributing to SuiteCRM

One of the great things about SuiteCRM is that it’s open source. This means that, if you find a bug, not only can you fix it but you can also share that fix with the world. This post will briefly cover how to go about contributing a SuiteCRM fix ...

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Creating a custom field type in SuiteCRM

Like a lot of SuiteCRM the field types are customisable and you can add your own types of fields. This post will explain how to add a colour picker as a custom field type.

First off we need to add the option to studio to allow creating fields of our ...

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SuiteCRM Super Logger

I’ve previously created a very simple module for SuiteCRM which adds coloured logging (SuiteCRM Colour Logger). I’ve now expanded it somewhat to add extra features.

It’s now called SuiteSuperLogger and allows specifying the log format in the config.

Enabling coloured logging can be done by adding

$sugar_config ...
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PHP Syntax Checking

The CLI to php allows checking for syntax errors using php -l I’ve created a very basic script which will recursively check folders for php files with syntax errors. It’s intended to quickly show syntax errors in a large application. It’s available here: ...

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Adding custom module to related to field in SuiteCRM

Sometimes when you create a new module you want it to appear in the “Related To” dropdowns around SuiteCRM. This post will cover the simple method of adding modules to these dropdowns.

In this post we’ll add a fictional “Sport” module to the dropdown. We’ll end up with ...

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Make a custom module importable

If you’ve created a custom module but are getting the message “Imports aren’t set up for this module type” then it’s very easy to add this functionality to your custom module.

In the bean file modules/ABC_Your_Module/ABC_Your_Module.php simply add the line

var $importable = true;

After ...

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SuiteCRM Missing Field Definitions

If you move instances of SuiteCRM around it’s possible to have a copy of the SuiteCRM files that reference a custom field that doesn’t exist in the fields_meta_data table.

This can cause broken SQL queries since SuiteCRM will try to reference a field but won’t have it ...

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